1. Do Less, pause

So often we stay in one position and continue to repeat the same action, such as weeding.

Here's an idea: Do Less!

How to do less:

  • While weeding, use a small container. That way, when it is full, you will need to get up, dispose of the weeds, and return.
  • When you need to move a lot of flower boxes -- spread it over several hours or days. Tell yourself there is no rush.
  • Got a lot of digging to do? you got it...
    • do a bit, then take a break.
    • maybe even use a smaller shovel... or
    • don't dig so deep
    • Don't lift the shovel with dirt - use your foot to turn it over...
  • Got a load of gravel? Here's two ideas:
    • Use a smaller container! You will gain in steps and ease the strain of carrying the heavy loads
    • Take breaks. Do less, spread out the work

Maybe post your ideas, below!

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